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Makore (scientific name: Tieghemellaheckelii and T. africana), has a heartwood of pink to red-brown color, with streaking color variation. Sapwood is somewhat yellow in color, about 3 inches wide, and is clearly distinguishable from the heartwood. Its texture is fine and even, luster is good and grain is usually straight, although can be wavy or interlocked. Makore is commonly found in western and central Africa. Its heartwood is very durable and resistant to insects.
  • Janka Hardness

    5,350 N(1,200 lbf)

  • Average Dried Weight

    685 kg/m3(43 lbs/ft3)

  • Workability

    It is generally easy to work with. Interlocked grain can cause tear-out during machining and planing. High silica content means it has a significant blunting effect on cutting tools. It is good with glues, and turns and finishes well. Direct contact with iron can cause discoloration and staining.

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